Tuesday, October 29, 2013

FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Tuesday, October 29, 2013

FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team:

Education Headlines

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bond financier pleads in South County

A central figure in the South County schools corruption case has pleaded guilty to two felony charges of conspiracy to bribe officials and board members.

Greenfield seeks schools chief

The Greenfield Union School District is in the hunt for a permanent superintendent.The district began advertising the position earlier this month, according to a news release, and has set a Nov. 8 deadline for applications.

Monterey Peninsula school district retirees angry with changes in benefits

After her long history with the district, Mae Johnson felt it was an insult when she received a letter a couple of weeks ago letting her know her medical benefits would no longer be covered as of Jan. 1.

Momentum builds for retaining Deasy as LAUSD chief

As civic groups mobilized in support of Los Angeles Unified Superintendent John Deasy, board member Steve Zimmer expressed optimism Monday that the embattled schools chief can be persuaded to stay on as head of the nation's second-largest district.

Rancho Cucamonga officials examining school security in wake of brawl

What began as a tense, but spirited high school football game between hometown rivals Friday ended in a melee that has school administrators concerned about safety at future athletic events in Rancho Cucamonga.

Fresno Unified's Michael Hanson: Community partnerships key to student achievement

Superintendent Michael Hanson gave an emotional pitch on Monday to an audience of about 450 teachers, administrators and city leaders at the annual state-of-the-district event, asking them to give more of their time and attention to students, many from hardscrabble roots with the "cards stacked against them," he said.

So many students - so little (counseling) time

Many public high schools in the Sacramento region saw their counselor ranks shaved in the economic downturn, leaving them scrambling to meet the needs of their students.

L.A. schools improved, but Deasy fell short of ambitious goals

On the eve of discussions over his future, Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy can count on broad support from the civic elite, but by his own yardsticks, his performance fell notably short this year.
Monday, October 28, 2013

Fresno Unified Superintendent Michael Hanson wants longer day at some schools

Fresno Unified officials are pitching a plan to lengthen the school day next year, an idea that's getting flak from teachers union representatives who say educators could get burned out.

Proposed Orange complex at Peralta voted down

The Orange Unified School Board has ditched a plan to add a 340-unit apartment complex at the former Peralta school campus.

Denair Unified board extends olive branch

A rare flicker of hope came at the very end of the contentious Denair Unified Board meeting last week, when the board and the union seemed on the cusp of agreeing to abide by third-party recommendations for a contract.