Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cutting Through The Fog of Student Achievement | Connected Principals

Cutting Through The Fog of Student Achievement | Connected Principals:

Cutting Through The Fog of Student Achievement

October 20, 2013

Fog of Achievment

This post was originally posted on Figuring It Out by J. Bevacqua 
I recently had the opportunity to spend two days working with  and listening to John Hattie and his team at Visible Learning unpacking his research on what has the greatest impact on student achievement.
Hattie’s research on “Visible Learning” has garnered world wide recognition and is being referenced as a vehicle for cutting through the fog of school improvement.
Before going any further, Hattie himself made a point of highlighting some of the “limitations” of his research. For example, Hattie’s work strictly deals with student achievement in the academic domain.  His research does not deal with student well-being in the affective domain (social and emotional learning). Nor does it address the spiritual domain of student well-being.  Any educator, school or district looking to implement Hattie’s work needs to understand the potential “limiting” context of this work.
 So what DOES “work” in improving student achievement?
According to Hattie, the research demonstrates that 95% of what teachers do has some sort of