Friday, October 4, 2013

Children are going without food or education. In Somalia, Syria and the USA. | Reclaim Reform

Children are going without food or education. In Somalia, Syria and the USA. | Reclaim Reform:

Children are going without food or education. In Somalia, Syria and the USA.

Children are going without food or education. In Somalia, Syria and the USA. Yes, the USA. Now. Today and tomorrow and… Sequestration is another name for unnecessary austerity. Closing down the government is destructive for all Americans. Why are media headlines repeating the propaganda and political infighting as our children are denied food and education?
Since the sequestration began, over 57,000 children have been denied Head Start education. In addition over 3,200 children have lost it since the government shut down began. Read the Think Progress article HERE.
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In Arkansas alone, 85,000 people, many of whom are infants and children, are losing nutritional assistance (food) -in spite of Bill Kristol’s media assurances that the government shut down isn’t hurting anybody. What is the reality? “The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) will not issue new payments to states, meaning that any state that has already spent all its federal