Monday, October 7, 2013

Bob Dylan, Meet Steve Jobs | Connected Principals

Bob Dylan, Meet Steve Jobs | Connected Principals:

Bob Dylan, Meet Steve Jobs

October 7, 2013
He wasn’t known for playing an instrument.IMG_0381
He didn’t go down in history as a great songwriter.
But, part of the legacy Apple founder Steve Jobs left behind was music.
Jobs transformed the music industry (at least, that is the gist of the caption under his photo holding an iPod at Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – yes, the business genius has his own section in the esteemed venue).
Jobs didn’t define his world as computer exclusive.
As educators, we could all benefit from this lesson.
October is Connected Educator Month, a well-timed reminder as we hit stride in the new school year to not settle into a pattern of isolation, but to consciously strive to view issues in education through multiple lenses.
The work we do is far too important to rely solely on our own expertise – we must continually seek opportunities to connect, challenge and reinvent. Our network of ideas, support and inspiration provide us strength when we are challenged.  Our peers are no longer limited to the neighboring classroom; we have the potential of a global network.
As a district superintendent, I endeavor to connect with classroom teachers, I reflect on my time and experiences as a building administrator, and I engage our students to gather input from a learner’s