Thursday, October 17, 2013

BESE offers nothing to parents concerned about CCSS, then says, “You’re Welcome.” | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

BESE offers nothing to parents concerned about CCSS, then says, “You’re Welcome.” | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

BESE offers nothing to parents concerned about CCSS, then says, “You’re Welcome.”

Posted on October 17, 2013

I read this recent article in the advocate after hearing some positive feedback on Twitter about changes made by BESE to address parents concerns brought up at the meeting. At first glance I thought they might be almost meaningful, until I read a little closer. I also have some information that I have been sitting for a few months that refutes the claims being made that seems like I should bring forth now.
One of the changes approved by BESE would ban curriculum from being forced on local districts, “including any that may be recommended, endorsed or supported by any federal or state program or agency.”
However, according to folks privy to inside discussions, John White and a specific handpicked committee are secretly approving materials for schools to use, bypassing the normal vendor to LEA interactions and selection process. Indications are that White has plans to select a national vendor or vendors to provide most of Louisiana’s instructional materials from which LEAs can then “choose.” If I trusted John White and his cadre, this might be a good way to go, but my suspicions is this is being done in secret to serve a secret agenda based on John White’s beliefs and best interests, not the interests of Louisiana parents and school districts. However he claimed he was allowing districts free reign to choose materials without inserting himself into the