Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ben Mardell on Early Childhood Education |

Ben Mardell on Early Childhood Education |:

Ben Mardell on Early Childhood Education

Photo: Caroline Silber for Strategies for Children
Photo: Caroline Silber for Strategies for Children
“Four year olds are citizens, not potential citizens, not citizens in training, but citizens, with rights and obligations like all citizens,” Ben Mardell and his co-authors write in a 2010 paper called, – “The Rights of Children: Policies to Best Serve Three, Four and Five Year Olds in Public Schools.”
“Children must be recognized not just as growing unfinished beings,” the report says, “but also as true thinkers and doers, as active participants in their education”.
“We have to see children as more than cute,” Mardell, a professor of early childhood education at Lesley University, explained in a recent interview. They are cute, he quickly adds, but more importantly, they are citizens of their classrooms, their schools, and of the larger community.
As citizens, children have rights – not only to health care, food and protection