Sunday, October 6, 2013

Attack on Public Education: Crush Teachers (active and retired) | Reclaim Reform

Attack on Public Education: Crush Teachers (active and retired) | Reclaim Reform:

Attack on Public Education: Crush Teachers (active and retired)

Paying hundreds of millions of public education tax dollars to create high stakes tests guaranteed to fail over 50% of students has become an obvious abusive tactic in the corporate attack against public education. Corporate education reform is the euphemism, along with public-private partnerships, for this obscene profiteering at taxpayers’ expense as children suffer and their parents are shocked and awed by the whole process.
Along with screaming “union thugs” at teachers via the nationwide corporate owned media, a more focused attack against active and retired teachers is in high gear. By openly stealing, with the aid of paid legislators, from active and retired teachers the prospect of the diminishing destruction of teacher income has become a reality. Aside from the obvious profit made by plundering state pension systems, there is another battle occurring within the attack.
What sane twenty-somethings would want to make educating children a lifetime career? That is the aim of education deformers. Potential teachers are being