Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10-29-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Which One's Lying?
John King sez reason no forums yet scheduled in NYC b/c DOE hasn't got them a venue; Suransky says not true. Who's telling the truth?— leonie haimson (@leoniehaimson) October 29, 2013

Amazon Does Stack Ranking Evaluations Too
The NY Times explains why Amazon is a nasty, nasty place to work:But if Amazon aspired to reduce friction for customers, Mr. Stone suggests that it remained a high-friction place to work. He describes the in-house culture as “notoriously confrontational,” and writes that because managers in departments of 50 or more people are required to “top-grade” their subordinates along a curve (and dismiss t

Yonkers Daily Voice: King Forum Attendees Overwhelmingly Negative Toward King, Common Core And Testing
The LoHud article on the John King Common Core forum managed to find one guy who was pro-Common Core and put him prominently in their piece on the King Common Core meeting yesterday, both in the writing and a video accompanying the article.Of course that makes the forum look like it was more evenly distributed in terms of attendees against the Common Core and those who are for the Common Core.But

The UFT Evaluation Team Sends An Email To UFT Members
Dunno if you got this in your email box from Mikey Mulgrew and the "UFT Evaluation Team," but it arrived in my in-box this morning:Teachers across the city are facing significant challenges caused by the Department of Education's poor implementation of the new evaluation and development system. To resolve these problems, the UFT introduced an online inquiry form for members to inform us
Common Core Reform In A Nutshell
From yesterday's NYSED Commissioner King Common Core propaganda tour:Ten-year-old John Del Vecchio got a standing ovation when he took to the microphone to describe how the rapid rollout of the new tests has caused a lot of stress for students like him in Yorktown public“There is so much pressure to pass all these tests, me and my classmates stay in from recess to study,” he said. There it is - so
Andrew Cuomo Owns This Common Core Mess In NY State
Fred LeBrun knocked it out of the park with this piece from Sunday, calling Commissioner John King the least trusted man in Albany.It's a must read, so head over there if you haven't seen it.I found the parts about Cuomo most interesting.LeBrun wrote:There are signs that the governor, who has a finely tuned ear for shifts in the murmurs of the masses, is getting nervous over the growing din of neg
10-28-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: De Blasio Still Up BigJoe Lhota never closed the gap:Bill de Blasio is poised to win the race for mayor of New York City by a historically large margin, powered by optimism that he will bring about change and by overwhelming voter disapproval of the Republican Party. Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat who is currently the public advocate, leads his Republican opponent, Joseph J. Lhot