Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10-29-13 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

List of currently scheduled Illinois Medicare Advantage information meetings.
SEMINAR SCHEDULE Any impacted retiree may attend any meeting. All locations will host two sessions (9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.) unless noted otherwise. November 11, 2013 Rock Island High School 1400 25th Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201 (Sponsored by Senator Mike Jacobs and Blackhawk Unit (Rock Island Cty) IRTA) November 12, 2013 Legacy Theatre 101 E Lawrence Avenue Springfield, IL (Sponsored by Repre
Chicago Halloween protest. Unbury the TIF surplus.
Amisha Patel of the Grassroots Collaborative. “Unbury the TIF money.” Over 75 students, parents, and community members joined together at City Hall Tuesday to demand that the TIF Surplus Ordinance be released from the Rules Committee and brought to a vote in City Council. Participants held signs with photos of Rules Chair Michelle Harris and Rule Vice-Chairs calling on them to unbury the TIF Su

Medicare Advantage information from the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus. “Questions abound.”
The is information provided by the Senator Cullerton and the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus.

Teachers getting rich of of their pensions? No. But Wall Street is.
  Rhode Island’s Treasurer funnels state pension funds into the accounts of her hedge fund friends. David Sirota continues his great work exposing the nation’s pension thievery. In Pennsylvania, for instance, the state pension’s investment in hedge funds forces retirees to pay a whopping $770 million in fees every single year. For that money, the Wall Street Journal reports that “the $25 billion
Toni, the apple and the Chicago media’s short-term memory.
  Will Guzzardi is running against Berrios. Chicago’s scandals of the rich, political and famous are as regular as a reporter on Metamucil. But their media life-span doesn’t even match up to the usual 24-hour news cycle. UNO’s $98 million in kick-backs? A vague memory. CPS’s Barbara Byrd Bennett and her principal training contract? Oh. Right. Rahm assistant Lois Scott, Amer Ahmad and Ohio money l

10-28-13 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: New York is poised to elect De Blasio. Chicago needs a candidate for the 99%.  New York City’s next first family. This morning the latest polls show New York Democrat Bill De Blasio ready to win the election on November 5th by historic margins. It is as deep and thorough a rejection of the Bloomberg a