Thursday, October 10, 2013

10-10-13 Ed Notes Online: Citizens of the World Charter Run By Eva's Husband May Close Due to Low Enrollment

Ed Notes Online: Citizens of the World Charter Run By Eva's Husband May Close Due to Low Enrollment:

ObamaCare IT: Race to the Top - of Incompetence
Reagan: Government is not the solution.Government is the problem.Obama: My administration is doing everything possible to prove President Reagan was right.Really, some of those tea party people are beginning to make sense. Almost. People involved in information technology know full well it never works right. Except the amateurs who designed the Obamacare system.Do you mean to tell me there was no

More MORE: Making an impact at the DA
RIn all my years of activism one of the happiest moments I had was seeing James Eterno's face as he emerged from the Delegate Assembly yesterday. I was in the midst of trying to get people to take the MORE newsletter, MORE Stuff in Your Mail Bx" and get them to sign up to distribute in their school. I didn't have to work too hard as there were a batch of MOREistas over half my age - one may h

Citizens of the World Charter Run By Eva's Husband May Close Due to Low Enrollment
Goodbye Eric (Grannis), good bye EricWe're happy to see you go (even though we don't believe the State Ed Charter Suck-Up Center (CSUC) would ever close a charter even if it had 1 kid left.)We have always said that so-called demand for charters is a mostly homg grown Charters can be beaten back when the community organizes. A UFT official told me at the DA today that Roy Mann MS in Brooklyn had a

10-9-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: What they spent but won't pay rent - Report from Inside Eva's Belly of the BeastAs a school co-located with a Success Academy school we were shocked at the silence we encountered this morning as the entire SA school was noticeably missing (at rally).  Upon their return we were even more shocked at the tremendous financial expenditure put forth for this rally with new bright yellow