Monday, September 2, 2013

What is your school culture & climate like? Discuss on Monday, September 2nd at 8:30pm ET! Student Voice

Student Voice:

What is your school culture & climate like? Discuss on Monday, September 2nd at 8:30pm ET!

Many of us have had close experiences with bullying, whether we were victims, onlookers, or bullies ourselves. The presence (or absence) of bullying contributes a lot to the culture and climate of a school community; however, it is only one of many important factors that make up the community’s collective identity and atmosphere.
As we all enter the new school year, it is important to focus on the current status of our school’s culture and climate, and also consider ways to improve it. Monday, September 2nd’s #StuVoice Twitter Chat will focus on just that–the types of school communities around the nation and ways we can work to improve them.
Co-hosting the Twitter Chat with Purag Moumdjian will be Clement Coulston, an intern at the Special Olympics focusing on the development of Inclusive Youth Leadership and Director of Community Engagement at Student Voice.
Clement is a passionate student who uses his voice to encourage open discussion on these often sensitive topics and we are glad to have him co-host!
Join the discussion on Monday, September 2nd at 8:30PM EST, 7:30PM CST. We look forward to your involvement!
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