Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What Can We Do? Bias, Bullying, and Bystanders | Welcoming Schools

What Can We Do? Bias, Bullying, and Bystanders | Welcoming Schools:

What Can We Do? Bias, Bullying, and Bystanders

New Professional Development Film Premiering in Washington D.C. Sept. 25th!

      Click Here to Order

Join Us for the Premiere of What Can We Do? in Washington D.C.

Wednesday, September 25th at 4:00pm at Cleveland Elementary School
  • David Esquith, U.S. Dept. of Education, Director of the Office of Safe and Healthy Students
  • Kathryn Otoshi, Author of the children's books "One" and "Zero"
  • Ellen Brodsky, Award-winning Filmmaker
  • A special performance by the Cleveland School Chorus

    Click Here to RSVP

"You’re Gay."    "Your skin is too brown."    "Fatty."     "Your religion is fake."    "Estúpido."
  • These are the actual words of students in the film. Four students in classroom
  • These are the kinds of hurtful words and statements that elementary school students really experience.
  • Students want adults in the school community to help them out.
  • Educators want to know what they can do.

What Can We Do? Bias, Bullying, and Bystanders spotlights teachers in the classroom generating open conversations with students about the impact of bullying and the power of students standing up for each other.

This 12-minute professional development film includes a User's Guide,classroom lesson plans, and training materials.