Thursday, September 26, 2013

To John Merrow, Who Quit | deutsch29

To John Merrow, Who Quit | deutsch29:

To John Merrow, Who Quit

September 26, 2013

Mr. Merrow, my name is Mercedes Schneider. You answered my post on your accepting Gates funding and the connection between such funding and two decisions you have made: 1) ceasing your investigation of Michelle Rhee and 2) proclaiming New Orleans schools as “reborn” in your documentary. You did not address me by name, but at least you responded.
In the past, I have emailed to you my research on numerous problems with considering New Orleans schools a “rebirth.” You never bothered to reply.
I suppose a national posting in which I called your motives into question was what was necessary to prompt a response from you. However, in that response, you stated that it would take a ”credible” source to get you to reconsider your position on New Orleans.
So, even though I have written over 30,000 well-documented words on current problems with New Orleans “reform,” to you, my work is not credible.
Perhaps you might close your eyes and pretend someone in the business of education wrote them.
In your response to me on Chalkface, you justify your position in dropping the story