Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Weekly Update: Charter schools, zero tolerance and minority students, the profiteering and scandals | Seattle Education

The Weekly Update: Charter schools, zero tolerance and minority students, the profiteering and scandals | Seattle Education:

The Weekly Update: Charter schools, zero tolerance and minority students, the profiteering and scandals

First, a word from Noam Chomsky about our educational system. This was filmed at the Syracuse Peace Council’s 75th Anniversary event on May 11, 2011.

And from Henry Giroux:
dead zones
If the right-wing billionaires and apostles of corporate power have their way, public schools will become “dead zones of the imagination,” reduced to anti-public spaces that wage an assault on critical thinking, civic literacy and historical memory. Since the 1980s, schools have increasingly become testing hubs that de-skill teachers and disempower students. They have also been refigured as punishment centers