Friday, September 20, 2013

The Libertarian Faerie: A Fable | the becoming radical

The Libertarian Faerie: A Fable | the becoming radical:

The Libertarian Faerie: A Fable

Americans watched as their leaders battled: Senate versus House over the fate of food stamps:
Republicans have emphasized that the bill targets able-bodied adults who don’t have dependents. And they say the broader work requirements in the bill are similar to the 1996 welfare law that led to a decline in people receiving that government assistance.
“Politically it’s a great issue,” says Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., one of the conservatives who has pushed for the larger cuts. “I think most Americans don’t think you should be getting something for free, especially for the able-bodied adults.”
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Tuesday that Democrats are united against the bill.
“Maybe I’m just hoping for divine intervention, but I really do believe that there are enough Republicans that will not identify themselves with such a brutal cut in feeding the American people,” Pelosi said at a news conference.
Hearing this, the Libertarian Faerie appeared before Congress and 

remnant 33: “There’s the story…”
remnant 33: “There’s the story…”.