Monday, September 16, 2013

The Crawfish Bump! | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

The Crawfish Bump! | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

The Crawfish Bump!

Posted on September 15, 2013

Congratulations Crawfish patriots!
In the last 48 hours after making this post we helped Shannon Puckett increase her funding for herKickstarter Documentary Defies Measurement by more than 23% and contributors by almost 40%!
Since this is my first endorsement, and since I can plausibly say I had something to do with it (ok maybe Shannon’s excellent pitch had more to do with it, but still. . .) I’ve decided to call this effect the “Crawfish Bump”.
But we have much more bumping to do. If you haven’t contributed or bugged your dying rich and senile uncle that nobody likes into contributing, now’s your chance! Shannon needs your money and we need her film and story. If you donate, we can both win! If you were listening to NPR last week in Baton Rouge you heard a very extensive pledge drive. If you’re like me it probably drove you crazy! If you procrastinated and missed out, now is your chance to mend your conscience! Donate to this equally good cause and I will forgive you for your tardiness.
Note: You might still get a phone call from Ira Glass for not contributing, I can’t help you there, but at least I can tell Ira your dollars did not go to waste on all those cups of coffee he asks you to do without! I won’t even ask you to do without your morning coffee, espresso, or even your sissy mocha latte cappuccino spritzer with extra whip. That can be our little secret. All you have to do is donate, or cajole someone else into giving. Simple right!?!?!
So what are you waiting for?
Here’s the link to Shannon’s Kickstarter page:
Here’s the link to her youtube video:
Now let’s get that bump growing!
Did I mention the largest crawfish contributor gets an autographed crawfish? To win, just post your amount as a comment. I will notify the winner by the e-mail linked to the comment…
This goes for previous Crazy Crawfish directed contributors.