Monday, September 16, 2013

solidaridad: SM@TCF: Los Angeles parent-activist sounds off on CCSS

solidaridad: SM@TCF: Los Angeles parent-activist sounds off on CCSS:

SM@TCF: Los Angeles parent-activist sounds off on CCSS

First published on LA Schools Matter on September 14, 2013

"We had 23 different language groups at my son's school. How can one common core be relevant to all of these very different people?" —Teresa Sitz, LAUSD Parent-Activist
I foundedCommunities & Families Resisting Proposition 39 Charter Colocationsalong with several families fighting against the privatization project's latest ploy, the colocation. While the group was pretty 90026 specific (we have two colocations in our community), it grew quickly throughout Los Angeles.
Common Core State Standards CCSS represent the corporate sector's latest attempts to privatize education and cash in on harmful standardized testingAs the group grew, its focus broadened to cover all school privatization and the neoliberal corporate reform project in general. Over the weekend one parent asked about Corporate/Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Paraphrasing, she said she understood the whole opposition based on the profit motive behind CCSS, but asked why national standards were bad in general. There were a lot of excellent responses, but one of the most interesting came from a prominent Silver Lake parent-activist named