Monday, September 2, 2013

Privatized “Public” Schools: A Vessel Fit for Destruction | Cooperative Catalyst

Privatized “Public” Schools: A Vessel Fit for Destruction | Cooperative Catalyst:

Privatized “Public” Schools: A Vessel Fit for Destruction

Learning in a state of denial…denying what is readily apparent to those who sit in silence. The old way is not designed for the 21stcentury…but the new way is just as destructive as the old way. Its one thing to have changed…change is good. However, change that inspires a pattern of regressive and antagonist behavior is just as detrimental to learning as doing things in a way that is incompatible with the times. That is where we have lost our footing. We have become so fixated on protecting the old way while embracing the evolving reality of American society…that we have become ignorant to the realities of our stubbornness and human inabilities.
There is no way to achieve absolute excellence. There is no way to achieve absolute racial integration. There is no way to achieve absolute equality. More so, there is no way to achieve anything in a repetitive sequence. Aligning our education system to this line of flawed thinking is aligning it to a system of inevitable demise that will allow it to become a “vessel fit for destruction.” Aligning our educational system to this line of thinking and (mis)treating teachers, administrators, and the nations youth based on it not only solidifies this reality, but it is equivalent to denying the story that America has written for itself. Aligning to this flawed and unjust line of reasoning is dangerous as it is subjective.
Our goal in America should be to free our education system from the torrential subjugation of corporatist aligned administrators and politicians who dangerously become loyal to the ideology that corporations will lead America’s perpetually disadvantaged youth to a place of educational justice. Our goal should be to align our education system to the needs of the communities they serve and the micro communities that reside within. The goals set forward should have weak relation to the prospect of outdoing another country or making a