Monday, September 16, 2013

Preserving Public Education | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

Preserving Public Education | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

Preserving Public Education

Posted on September 16, 2013

Next stop, Atlanta!
Looks like I’ve hit the big time (or at least the southern regional time) guys! I was invited to speak on a plenary panel, along with some pretty heavy hitters, at a Southern Regional Conference in Atlanta this coming weekend. I’ve been working on my intro speech and rallying cry for the past couple of weeks. My hope is to not make a complete fool of myself so I’ve been harassing friends and family with my drafts, and practicing (something I almost never do for anything), on my intro. My 4 and 6 year old are not as attentive as I’d like, but my son told me he’ll listen as long as I need him to, so long as I’m giving him a piggy back ride while doing it. (I hope that doesn’t lead to any same state learning issues or I may have to make a very awkward request of the most diminutive attendee I can find.) I’m gonna try and nail it without cards or notes. I usually speak without them, but I also usually ramble and take about 3 times longer than I should and confuse people when I’m done, so preparing something ahead of time that is succinct and rehearsed will be something new for me! The only thing I have going for me is that I passionately believe in what I’m going to say, (and my flight will take around 4 or 5 hours with all my bizarre connections) so I think I have a decent shot of pulling this off.
Send your prayers and feelings of goodwill my way. Believe it or not, I’m sometimes a little shy and self-conscious in person, but when I read your comments or private e-mails they really do lift me