Saturday, September 21, 2013

Neoliberalism Plays Key Role in Economically Forced Mexican Migration to US - Online University of the Left

Neoliberalism Plays Key Role in Economically Forced Mexican Migration to US - Online University of the Left:

Immigration Struggle: Interview with David Bacon

Sept 20, 2013 – The Right to Stay Home.(Photo: Beacon Press)Noam Chomsky succinctly articulates the importance of David’s Bacon new book on Mexican (and Central American) migration to the United States for economic survival: “Combining evocative personal narratives with penetrating geopolitical analysis, this compelling study vividly reveals the devastating effects on Mexico of the global class war of the past decades, and their impact on the United States. Perhaps the most striking demand of the victims is “the right to not migrate,” the right to live with dignity and hope, bitterly attacked under the neoliberal version of globalization.”
Truthout talked with David Bacon, author ofThe Right to Stay Home, about how much of the Mexican migration to the United States comes about in dire response to profiteering economic and nation-state strategies.
Mark Karlin: When people become economic pawns instead of looked upon as human beings with dignity, they often lose their “right to stay home,” you argue.  Given the massive government, corporate and global trade forces that create dire economic circumstances in Mexico and Central America – particularly with indigenous populations – where does resistance begin as you discuss in your last