Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Money for public schools and children? Sorry, we are broke – sort of. “BOOM-POOF!” | Reclaim Reform

Money for public schools and children? Sorry, we are broke – sort of. “BOOM-POOF!” | Reclaim Reform:

Money for public schools and children? Sorry, we are broke – sort of. “BOOM-POOF!”

The Sequestration does not apply to bombs in Syria, but American schools are closed, police escort children to school, state employee pensions are raided, teachers are fired, and hundreds of millions of tax dollars are handed over to billionaires and multinational mega-corporations in every state. Food and care for the poor, disabled, the elderly, school children, veterans, and the mentally ill are cut and cut again. Medicare is declared unaffordable. The list goes on and on.
Whatever the political reasons for or against bombing Syria are not part of this argument. Let’s focus narrowly on what we must sacrifice and suffer daily. Please remember that every time we see one little “Boom-poof!” in the footage of drone or missile explosions, over a million dollars of American tax money is burned away. In the first Iraq War each Patriot Missile that exploded was $1.1 million dollars per burst. The price has gone up since then – mightily. Remember the footage, hour after hour, of Boom-poof-hurrahs? $$$$$$$$$
So to keep the argument simple and limited to American dollars, why is the self-inflicted austerity program, euphemistically called Sequestration, lifted for airline companies, munitions manufacturers (defense contractors and other profiteers), and yet another war