Friday, September 27, 2013

Michigan House Passes Common Core Implementation with Local Opt-Out | Truth in American Education

Michigan House Passes Common Core Implementation with Local Opt-Out | Truth in American Education:

Michigan House Passes Common Core Implementation with Local Opt-Out

michigan-flagHere we see the problem inherent with a full-time legislature.  The Michigan House and Senatepassed an omnibus bill that defunded the implementation of the Common Core State Standards.  Since the Legislature continues to be in session year-round; Common Core advocates yesterday were able to pass a resolution before the fiscal year started in October that allows the implementation.
It passed 85-21. Courtesy of Stop Common Core in Michigan, here are the Representatives who voted no: Bumstead, Callton, Cotter, Daley Farrington Forlini, Franz, Genetski, Goike, Hooker, Howrylak, Johnson, Kurtz, Lauwers, Leonard, Pettalia, Potvin, MacMaster, McMillin, Rendon, and Somerville.
Be sure to thank them.  Take note if your Representative was not on the list.
The bill is a mixed bag however, there are some bright spots as it comes with conditions: