Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Louisiana Educator: VAM Author Finds Flaws in System

Louisiana Educator: VAM Author Finds Flaws in System:

VAM Author Finds Flaws in System

State Representative Frank Hoffman of Monroe, the author of Act 54, which launched the new Compass evaluation system and VAM is quoted as saying the system isn't working and needs to be changed. This Monroe News Star story points out that some of the teachers who teach the basic skills subjects that are tested by the state are more likely to the rated as ineffective than teachers who teach subjects rated by Student Learning Targets (SLTs). Some local school administrators believe this inequity will drive away some of their best teachers.

This blog pointed out a long time ago that the John White requirement that 10% of basic skills teachers must be found ineffective each year is totally arbitrary and is an insult to teachers. It means that even if student performance improves greatly statewide from one year to the next, Louisiana will still label 10% of the basic skills teachers as ineffective and immediately nullify their tenure.

If you agree with me and many experts in teacher evaluation that the Compass evaluation system is unfair and needs to be drastically revamped or repealed, please join my Defenders of