Monday, September 30, 2013

GOP’s three lessons for kids

GOP’s three lessons for kids:

GOP’s three lessons for kids

Sen. Ted Cruz (AP Photo/Senate TV)
Sen. Ted Cruz (AP Photo/Senate TV)
Listening to the national debate over Obamacare is sometimes jaw-dropping, especially the Republican rationale for obsessively trying to kill the law and driving the country toward a government shutdown. Here are three of the strange lessons related to history that kids can take away from the behavior and words of some Republicans:
1. The Founding Fathers compromised on profound issues so the Constitution could be written and ratified, realizing that they couldn’t always get whatever they wanted. But you kids don’t have to because we Republicans don’t. 
The president’s health insurance law was passed by Congress and found to be constitutional by the Supreme Court, but we don’t like it. So we voted more than 40 times to get rid of it or change it, and now we are driving the government to shut down