Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Gates Money and Common Core– Part IV | deutsch29

Gates Money and Common Core– Part IV | deutsch29:

Gates Money and Common Core– Part IV

September 17, 2013

This post is a continuation of a series I am writing on Bill Gates’ funding specifically for the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). In my first post, I examined the Gates bankroll of the CCSS foundation organizations and to both national teachers’ unions and other influential groups. In the second post, I considered organizations influencing state education departments and local districts and that have accepted Gates money for promoting and implementing CCSS. Mythird post investigates the departments of education and school districts that have taken Gates money specifically for CCSS implementation.
And now, for my fourth installment: Universities that have accepted Gates money earmarked for CCSS implementation. Sixteen universities did so, for a total of  $17.6 million:
DePaul University  $248,343
George Washington University  $259, 895
Harvard University  $557,168
Massachusetts Institute of Technology  $3,004,132
Michigan State University  $650,000
New York University $40,282
Purdue University  $1,453,832
Regents University of