Sunday, September 29, 2013

Closing Down the Government – for Profit: Part 2, Public Pensions, Teachers, and Healthcare | Reclaim Reform

Closing Down the Government – for Profit: Part 2, Public Pensions, Teachers, and Healthcare | Reclaim Reform:

Closing Down the Government – for Profit: Part 2, Public Pensions, Teachers, and Healthcare

The legalized legislative scams allowed by purchased legislators threaten teachers, children, widows, the disabled and the elderly. It isn’t even necessary to totally close down the government in order to do real damage to them while enriching the hedge fund managers and investment companies who thrive on crisis economics.
Warren truth
Pensions are simply deferred compensation; every CEO collects deferred compensation. Why is stealing this from active and retired teachers in addition to other public employees OK when it is declared as un-American to do it to CEOs? Because legislators are doing the stealing and that money is being eaten up by investment managers along with many of the same CEOs and their corporations. That’s what these legislators have been “donored” to do – steal from public employees in the name of tax-saving shared-sacrifice and hand it to their money grubber investors. Read a Truth-Out article HERE and a previous blog HERE.
Even when it requires breaking the oath of office they were elected to, the oath to protect the US and state constitutions, legislators willingly steal from the elderly who are, by law,