Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Calling for the Best of the Best: Books and Blogs for the Current Reality and Future of Education | The IDEA Blog

Calling for the Best of the Best: Books and Blogs for the Current Reality and Future of Education | The IDEA Blog:

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Calling for the Best of the Best: Books and Blogs for the Current Reality and Future of Education

Posted by Shawn Strader on Sep 04, 2013 - 05:40 AM
Hello, Good Morning, and Happy September,
My name is Shawn Strader, and I'm a good ol' staff member at IDEA - my glamorous title is, in fact, the Administrative and Development Associate. Pretty fancy, eh? I'll be posting on IDEA's Blog pretty regularly starting now, and I hope we can have some fun along the way. To me, one of the coolest things a blog can do is engage the community and get every one of the readers chipping in, whether that means having conversation, sharing resources, or sharing opinions.
Today, and over the course of the next week or so, I'm hoping that you and our other readers can help us out with a fun little project. We're seeking to accomplish two things:
1.  Create a Top 20 Books and Blogs list, which will live as a webpage and resource on our website
2.  Add a new section titled "Books" to our IDEA Library, and fill this as well as our existing "Blogs" section with 100 entries
The thing is, we're a relatively small staff, and even if we were more in numbers we still wouldn't have all the answers. So, we'd love your help with our project. Can you chip in?
If you're game, and I hope you are, then all you need to do is comment on IDEA's Facebook page by following the link below, andleave us a list of your Top 5 Books (Blogs too if you've got em)!  The focus of the books and blogs should be on our collective work in education, which includes a diverse community of influencers and issues, so feel free to be creative! Whatever you think matters should be on your list. If you don't have a Top 5, leave what you've got, and if you've got more than 5, awesome! One great book has the power to change thousands of great lives, so don't be shy. Nothing you post is going to be right or wrong - but it will be a valuable contribution. So please, if you've got a great list, or that one amazing book that came to mind while reading this,  lay it on us! This project is very literally not possible without your input.
To kickstart us, here's my list:
- The Long Haul - Myles Horton
- Democratic Education: A Beginning of a Story - Yaacov Hecht
- GOOD Magazine (magazines are cool too!)
- Linchpin - Seth Godin
- A Place Called School - John Goodlad

Share what's on your list on IDEA's Facebook page.