Monday, September 30, 2013

A Day of Action Against Corporate Greed in Education | WeArePCAPS

A Day of Action Against Corporate Greed in Education | WeArePCAPS:

A Day of Action Against Corporate Greed in Education

Philadelphia School Partnership, Gates Foundation, Mastery Charter School and other advocates of corporate education reform will gather at the Union League, long time symbol of rule by upper class elites.
On Monday the corporate school reform crowd are holding a closed door assembly of rich people and their foundations to further their aim of unfettered charter school growth, privatization and union busting.   Meanwhile our public schools are being systematically starved of resources.
The connections between the condition of our public schools and the growth of corporate influence in public education are becoming clearer to more and more people.   And their fighting back.   On Monday four things are happening.
Fight For Philly Action at 12:30pm at Grover Cleveland Mastery Charter (19th and Erie Ave)  The conference participants will be touring this school at this time and an “unwelcome” is planned.   For more information visit the Facebook event page:
Support Khepera Charter School Teachers in Their Fight for a Fair Contract
Assemble at 3:30, Bargaining Session at 4:00
Khepera Middle School Campus (144