Monday, September 9, 2013

9-9-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Bill Thompson Hit The Brooklyn Streets Yesterday With Al D'amato Trolling For Votes
Bill Thompson left his UFT friends behind on this trip he took to Brooklyn to meet his neo-con friend, Al D'amato:At 4 p.m. yesterday, he gathered with a former Republican senator and conservative Jewish leaders in a roped-off avenue in Crown Heights. An hour later and just a mile away, he was standing in a Bed-Stuy shopping plaza, rallying with liberal African-American congressmen and members of

Bill Gates - No Tech Genius, Just A Ruthless Operator
Barry Ritholtz looks at why Microsoft is in such trouble and decides that it's because their monopoly status no longer holds.He then looks at how they got their monopoly status in the first place:Gates’s true genius was not as a tech visionary. It was his business acumen in leveraging a monopoly position in operating systems to become the dominant U.S. tech company. IBM gave the world its first PC

Bloomberg Wasted Millions On 911 System
He tried to hide the waste, mocked an audit that was to look at his vaunted 911 system upgrades - and now we see why:Less than a year after Mayor Bloomberg derided an audit of the 911 system as “stupid,” his own review revealed poor bookkeeping that resulted in up to $24 million in unnecessary payouts.The KPMG review, commissioned by the Mayor’s Office of Citywide Emergency Communications, conclud

Christine Quinn No Longer Leads With Any LV Demographic - Not Even Manhattan Voters
Azi Paybarah pointed this out on Twitter in the WSJ article about the Marist poll:Ms. Quinn no longer leads among any group of likely Democratic voters. Strikingly, in her home base of Manhattan, Mr. de Blasio is beating her 40% to 30%.Not much to say except "How the Mighty Quinn has fallen."

Final Quinnipiac Poll: De Blasio 39%, Thompson 25%, Quinn 18%
From Bloomberg News:Bill de Blasio has support from 39 percent of likely Democratic voters, just shy of the 40 percent he needs in tomorrow’s election to avoid a runoff with his closest competitor, according to a Quinnipiac University poll.De Blasio, 52, elected four years ago to the citywide watchdog office of public advocate, retains the lead among seven candidates. Former city Comptroller Willi
NY Post: Andrew Cuomo Has Most To Fear If Spitzer Is Elected
A Post analysis of what happens if Spitzer is elected:Spitzer will take office owing nobody of consequence anything — which is another way of saying he’ll be free to settle old scores by the boatload.And that he will do, with gusto, predict a half-dozen veteran Spitzer watchers — not one of them willing to publicly cross a man on the cusp of regaining real power, a man who long ago raised vendetta
2013 Election: Predictions And Endorsements
Well, we're one day away from the Democratic primary.It has been one long, long, long primary battle.We have gone from Christine Quinn as the presumptive favorite to Anthony Weiner's toying with entering the race to the Anybody But Quinn folks launching anti-Quinn ads in April to Weiner jumping in the race in May to Weiner going ahead in the race in late June to beginning to look like a Quinn/Wein

9-8-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: NY Post Publishes Devastating Article About NYC Economy - Never Once Mentions Bloomberg As The CulpritHere's a taste of the Post article:New York City is stuck in the economic misery lane of middle-class jobs flight and an unemployed and underemployed class faced with long-term joblessness and rising hunger, according to the latest economic research. The city is emerging fro