Friday, September 6, 2013

9-6-13 teacherken at Daily Kos

teacherken at Daily Kos:

an astonishing, horrifying failure
is what Paul Krugman calls American economic policy since the failure of Lehman Brothers five years ago.  His column this morning, titled Years of Tragic Waste, is as blunt and to the point as Krugman usually is on issues like this.  As he says near the beginning of piece, Suddenly, we were looking at the possibility of real economic catastrophe. And the catastrophe came. Lest anyone have any dou

Daily Kos: Leaves on the Current - looks to be terrific news
Daily Kos: Leaves on the Current - looks to be terrific news: Leaves on the Current - looks to be terrific newsbyteacherkenFollow    Email  23 Comments / 23 NewShe visited with her oncologist today.  If I may quote the text she sent me (merely masking the doctor's name):Great news: no cancer showed up on my bone marrow biopsy!!!  Dr.X. says my recovery has been "amazing"!!!She will continue to rec