Wednesday, September 25, 2013

9-25-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Michael Powell: Lhota Has Jumped The Shark
Michael Powell in the Times: “Mr. de Blasio’s involvement with the Sandinistas didn’t happen in 1917” — This is a reference to the Bolsheviks’ storming of the Winter Palace and not the last time the Jets won the Super Bowl — “it happened 70 years later when the cruelty and intrinsic failure of Communism became crystal clear to anyone with a modicum of reason. “Mr. de Blasio’s class warfare strateg
When Does The NY Times Do The Hit Piece On Joe Lhota?
They did one on Quinn. Did one on Weiner.Did one on Thompson.Now they've done one on de Blasio.When do they do one on Lhota?As I have blogged over and over and over, this guy's got anger management issues.He challenged a 77 year old man to a fight last year at an MTA board meeting he was chairing.No, really.Back during the Giuliani administration, he got into a shoving match with a reporter right

De Blasio - 74 Page Policy Document; Joe Lhota - 178 Words On Policy
Lhota is so busy refighting the 80's Contra Wars he can't be bothered to give any details about how he would govern as mayor: On the radio Wednesday morning, Republican mayoral candidate Joseph Lhota kept up his attack on Democratic rival Bill de Blasio's youthful dalliances as a pro-Sandinista leftist."It's about your inner-core feelings. It's about your personal philosophy," he said on

Bill De Blasio Explains His Work In Nicaragua Back In The 80's
Dana Rubenstein at Capital NY:De Blasio has stood by his support for the Sandinistas, but he hadn't gone into particular depth about it until today, at an appearance with fire union leader Steve Cassidy, who had just endorsed him. "A lot of us in this country believe that the United States policies towards Central America in the 1980s were wrong," said de Blasio. "By the way, the or

Geo Karo On The NY Times Sandanista Hack Piece On De Blasio
If you haven't seen Geo Karo's post on the hack job the NY Times did on Bill de Blasio the other day over the Sandanista bit, you should read it.Geo says the Times took the FOX News route on this and I think that's exactly right.That all three daily newspapers - the Post, the News and the Times - are attacking de Blasio daily should tell you something about the fears these people have over what a

Tish James Wants To Save The DOE Emails
It has been reported that the NYCDOE will be shredding evidence of their education reform crimes and burning down much of Tweed in late December before the next mayor takes power.Tish James, candidate for Public Advocate, doesn't want that to happen: CITY HALL — Councilwoman Letitia James wants copies of a colossal amount of Department of Education emails — to ensure they’re not deleted when Mayor

Another Day, Another Negative NY Post Story On De Blasio
He's a commie pinko ticket-fixing, transcendental meditation-loving, document-shredding, cop-hating Marxist member of the Sandanista Party and New York City will be DESTROYED if he is elected mayor.That's the message, day-in and day-out from the Posties.Gee, they really sound threatened.After 20 years of corporatist mayors, they seem to be worried that somebody might take power who doesn't automat

The Post-Mayoral Proapaganda Around Bloomberg Is Starting Already
From the Daily News:Hizzoner is getting a big honor indeed – a biography. Simon & Schuster announced Tuesday that outgoing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is getting a “major biography” by way of author Eleanor Randolph, a longtime journalist and editorial board member for the New York Times. According to the release, the biography will take an intimate look into the “extraordinary caree
Fins To The Left, Fins To The Right - Feeding Frenzy On Common Core
One DC "insider" on whether Common Core proponents or opponents have the momentum:“Fins to the left, fins to the right. The left, including state and local teachers unions, are attacking the high ‐ stakes test and the focus on scores. The right distrusts the federal takeover of public education. It is a tight spot.”Feeding frenzy on the Core.They're worried when over 60% of the so-called

9-24-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cory Booker May Have A Senate Race On His HandsDFER favorite-Cory Booker is supposed to win this New Jersey Senate race hands down.But Quinnipiac finds the race has narrowed with a little more than six weeks to go before election day:A new Quinnipiac poll in New Jersey finds Cory Booker (D) leading Steve Lonegan by 12 points in the U.S. Senate race among likely voters, 53% t