Sunday, September 22, 2013

9-22-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

A Reminder About The MORE Petition On Teacher Evaluations
While Michael Mulgrew sends out emails to members defending the ADVANCE teacher evaluation system (see here and here), the MORE caucus has put together a petition calling for a moratorium on the New York City Teacher Evaluation System.If you haven't signed it yet, do so now.And when you get back to work tomorrow, tell your colleagues about the petition and ask them to sign it as well.I know tomorr

Education Nation Should Invite Carrianne Howard To Talk About How Wonderful Lloyd Blankfein's Art Institutes Are
Raging Horse does an excellent job of pointing out who NBC should have invited for their corporate education reform-slanted Education Nation propaganda-fest this year.Alas, NBC isn't much interested in having anybody on that stage who won't carry water for the corporate education reform agenda, so they only invited deformers like Michael Bloomberg, Jeb Bush, Joel Klein, Michelle Rhee, et al. to th

Bloomberg Propaganda-Meisters All Over The Internet
You see these Bloomberg shills, paid press whores like Howard Wolfson or Andrew Kirtzman, flacking their Bloomberg propaganda all over the place these days as the mayor's Reign of Error sunsets and Bloomberg's anxiety over his legacy heightens.Here's a recent example from Kevin Sheekey, former deputy mayor and current Bloomberg LP executive (because there is always a gig for you in a BLOOMBERG ent

When I'm President
We take a break from the political and education rants for the following music post:My wife took me to see Ian Hunter and the Rant Band at City Winery last night for my birthday - fifth time we've seen Ian together.If you're unfamiliar with Hunter, he was the lead singer of the very influential Mott the Hoople in the 70's, a band that managed to influence both punker rockers like The Clash and New

Stephanie Simon Takes On Some Education Reform Mythology
The Stephanie Simon article at Politico on why public schools may not be failing is up now and it is a good one.She busts some cherished education reformer myths in it - including how the Chinese are kicking are asses in tests:A new video about the failures of public schools making the rounds on social media starts by introducing viewers to “the most important number in all of education…32!” Why 3

9-21-13 Perdido Street School:
Perdido Street School: Why Did This Politico Story On Education Disappear?I put a Politico link on my blogroll after Stephanie Simon joined the media outlet to write about education issues.I've never been a huge fan of the site, but Stephanie Simon's work at Reuters was excellent, so I decided if she was going to be writing education stories at Politico, a link to the site was warranted. Last nigh