Friday, September 20, 2013

9-20-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Only Two Donors To The "Pro-Lhota" SuperPAC
Well, well. The pro-Lhota "super PAC" has not taken in a single donation beyond the Koch family ones already known— Chris Bragg (@ChrisBragg1) September 20, 2013Each Koch Brother gave $145,000.Total funds raised for the pro-Lhota superPAC - $290,000.Someone else notes that the deadline for filing was 9/16, so there may be more donations then are currently listed.St

Using Mayor Bloomberg's Self-Congratulatory P.R. Reports For A Rabbit Cage
The Tweet of the Day:@NYDNBenChapman I can use it 4 the bottom of my rabbits cage it has better use there. Is it January 2014 yet? @NY_GPS @AQE_NY @rweingarten— zakiyah ansari (@zansari8) September 20, 2013I bet there's so much to these self-congratulatory reports from Bloomberg that you could use them to line a few horse stalls. Can't wait for January, either.And then there's this horse hockey fr

De Blasio Says Some Nice Things About Labor Unions
In a Politicker article reporting that Bill de Blasio says he will try and do some retroactive pay for municpal employees working years without contracts under Bloomberg but cannot give full retro to workers, we learn that he said this:Standing behind a wooden podium on the fifth floor of the Alhabrama Ballroom, he said would play a far more active role in helping labor recruit new members and pro

Bloomberg Says Billionaires Are A "Godsend"
That is actually the word he used:So what if there’s an income gap? Mayor Bloomberg says the glaring disparity between the city’s rich and poor only exists because of the city is lucky enough to attract the world’s super-wealthy.“You picture this income inequality measure, but if we could get every billionaire around the world to move here, it would be a godsend,” he said in his weekly radio show

Note To House Republicans: Many People On Food Stamps HAVE Jobs
House Republicans slashed food stamp funding yesterday and claimed the move will help poor people.You see, poor people on food stamps don't have jobs because they get food stamps and don't need jobs.But if the House cuts food stamps, that will force these lazy, welfare kings and queens to go out and get jobs.Only one problem with that theory - many people getting food stamps already have jobs, but

Bloomberg Have Any DOE Emails Erased Yet?
The story first showed up on DNAinfo - the Bloomberg administration plans to erase many of their emails when they leave office, including those from the NYCDOE.Diane Ravitch picked that story up with additional details from somebody she termed a "mole" at Tweed who said the data there is all suspect and should be independently investigated.Norm Scott ran with the story yesterday, compari

Joe Lhota: I'm A Hug-Able Kind Of Guy
From the Wall Street Journal:Mr. Lhota blamed his poll standing on a brutal primary in which his chief opponent, billionaire businessman John Catsimatidis, repeatedly described Mr. Lhota as mean and a bureaucrat. "John [Catsimatidis] was throwing as much mud as he possibly could—I've never met anybody who thinks I'm mean, I've never met anybody who thinks I'm not hug-able," Mr. Lhota sai
Bloomberg's Real Estate Policies Drive Increase In NYC Poverty
This must be the fault of schools and teachers:The latest U.S. Census data is drawing a troubling picture of the struggles of many New Yorkers living in poverty.It also shows the number of city residents living below the poverty level is on the rise.According to the data, 21.2 percent of New Yorkers are in households below that level.That includes 31 percent of children age 17 and under.Meanwhile,

9-19-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Performance Assessment ThursdayWe are giving the ELA Measures of Student Learning Performance Assessments to students today and tomorrow so that every teacher in the school can be evaluated to see how much growth students make from September to June.Because it makes total sense that social studies, science, art, physical education and other teachers outside of English Langua