Saturday, September 14, 2013

9-14-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

NY Post Launches Attack Against Diane Ravitch In Review Of Her New Book
There have been attacks against Ravitch in the past, but the one by Kyle Smith in the Post is particularly vicious.Ravitch has a new book out entitled “Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to Public Schools.”Smith, in his review of the book, accuses Ravitch of making stuff up, ignoring scientific evidence, being a hair-shirt-wearing zealot, engaging in nepotism and

Adding Real Value To Students' Lives
From DNAinfo:GREENPOINT — When they reach school-age, kids not only deserve to learn reading, writing and math, Danielle Mussafi says — they should start their quests for the meaning of life and God.So Mussafi created the "Spiritual Explorers" group, an alternative to religious school that asks kids to "tap into that voice inside of them" as they navigate the world."We wan

Fiscal Genius Bloomberg Spent $160,000 To Try And Shield Cathie Black Emails From Public
From Lisa Fleischer at the WSJ:New York City's fight to shield emails about the appointment of former schools Chancellor Cathie Black cost taxpayers about $160,000 in legal fees. The city agreed Friday to reimburse a former Village Voice intern's lawyers about $134,500 in legal fees, on top of at least $25,000 the city spent internally defending the case. Sergio Hernandez, now an editor at the Wee

Wall Street Gets Sad Over Bloomberg's Impending Departure
From Politico:Michael Bloomberg isn’t leaving office until January but Wall Street is already beginning to miss the New York City mayor — and bracing for a possible backlash from his replacement.In his 12 years leading the city, Bloomberg has been a vocal champion of New York’s business and banking communities. When the knives have come out, he has time and again come to the defense of the financi

9-13-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School:  Mulgrew Still Loves His ADVANCE APPR Teacher Evaluation SystemJames Eterno at ICEUFT has a rundown of what UFT President Michael Mulgrew told chapter leaders yesterday in a meeting.I found the part about teacher evaluations most interesting:NEW EVALUATION SYSTEMPresident Mulgrew ceded very little ground when he talked about the state imposed new teacher evaluation system.