Thursday, September 12, 2013

9-12-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Mulgrew On Thompson's Decision To Forge On
From Politicker:Mr. Thompson and his backers, at a private strategy session tonight at the United Federation of Teachers headquarters, decided to press forward, despite mounting pressure by other union officials, Democratic leaders–and even some of his former supporters–to drop his bid.“The first step in that is machine canvass on Friday and Saturday, and then we’ll go from there,” he said. “We be
Bill Thompson Refuses To Withdraw From The Race
So Thompson emerged defiant from his meeting at 52 Broadway tonight:Bill Thompson said Thursday night that he will not concede the Democratic primary for mayor until the votes are counted. Thompson emerged from a meeting with top party leaders to say he'll stay in the game at least until the Board of Elections does a recanvass of the voting machine results from Tuesday's primary."It continues

Thompson, Supporters Meet At UFT Headquarters Tonight
Azi Paybarah at Capital NY:Bill Thompson's top supporters met tonight at the Manhattan headquarters of the United Federation of Teachers as their candidate discussed with them the possibility of ending his bid for the Democratic mayoral nomination before all the votes are counted. U.F.T. president Michael Mulgrew, who promised that his union would deliver a primary victory to Thompson, had vowed o

Thompson Can Short Circuit Runoff By Pulling Out By Tomorrow Night
Lisa Fleischer reports:The pressure intensified Thursday on Bill Thompson to abandon a runoff fight, with institutional supporters urging the Democrat to avoid splintering the party by continuing to pursue his campaign for New York City mayor. Mr. Thompson, the former city comptroller, was waiting Thursday for all votes from Tuesday’s Democratic mayoral primary to be counted to see whether Public

Charlie Rangel Says Thompson Supporters Having Strategy Meeting To See Where Thompson Campaign Goes Now
With the list of Democratic establishment figures and unions supporting Bill de Blasio for mayor getting longer and longer, Bill Thompson isn't going to get too much help if he decides to stay in the race and try and force a runoff.So far, Lew Fidler is still supporting him, telling waffling Thompson supporters to "grow a pair" and get back on the Thompson bandwagon.But Thompson supporte

Christine Quinn Urges Supporters To Back De Blasio
The de Blasio campaign had a "unity rally" today where they pulled out a bunch of former Quinn supporters, a few former Thompson supporters and a whole bunch of de Blasio supporters and had a party:Standing before the steps of Brooklyn Borough Hall, a mass of elected officials and unions, including the labor-backed Working Families Party, officially endorsed Public Advocate Bill de Blasi

General Petraeus Chased Down Street By Angry College Students
Not big on school pride, but this makes me feel it for CUNY:It was a rough first day of school for David Petraeus.The retired general was chased down the street by an angry mob after giving his first lecture at CUNY’s Macaulay Honors College on the Upper West Side, according to a video posted online Wednesday.The hecklers stalked the former CIA chief out of the campus Monday and called him “scumba

This Is Lhota's Strategy To Beat De Blasio?
Source tells me that GOP oppo research on @deBlasioNYC includes ACORN/UFT connect, WFP/DFS scandal, thin resume of accomplishments.— Michael Benjamin (@SquarePeg_Dem) September 12, 2013To which someone on Twitter replies: .@maggiepolitico GOP's going to go after de Blasio over ACORN and the UFT (who endorsed someone else)? They've so got this.— Xenocrypt (@xenocryptsite) September 12, 2013Michael

Al Sharpton Urges Bill Thompson Out Of The Race
It's only a matter of time before Thompson is gone.The Daily News reports that not only have three of the Quinn unions quickly endorsed de Blasio post-primary, but Al Sharpton is also urging Thompson out for the sake of the Democratic Party:A day after the primaries, the mayoral campaign hit the pause button Wednesday for the anniversary of 9/11 — but behind the scenes, Democratic leaders were wor
How Long Until Bill Thompson Is Forced From The Race?
Unions are holding a "unity rally" for Bill de Blasio today:Well, that didn't take long. A steady stream of diehard Christine Quinn supporters have endorsed Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, and plan to gather Thursday in Brooklyn for a "unity rally" to publicly stand behind the Democratic frontrunner. The event includes top labor leaders like Retail, Wholesale, and Department St

9-11-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: 98% Counted - De Blasio 40.2%, Thompson 26%Still 2% to be counted, plus the absentee ballots.From the time I signed off last night to now, Thompson lost 0.02%, de Blasio's percentage stayed the same.As of 7:15 AM, de Blasio has 90,518 more votes than Thompson.There are still votes to be counted, but if the trajectory of the race stays essentially the same, will Thompson chal