Thursday, September 12, 2013

9-12-13 Jersey Jazzman

Jersey Jazzman:

On the New TFA Study: People, Calm Down!
I really don't have time to take a long, hard look at the new Teach For America study, which "confirms" that TFA "works" because its randomized design is the "gold standard," and anyone who doubts this is "quibbling." There's been some good reporting on this: start with Dana Goldstein and Stephanie Simon, two journalists who regularly stop and think for a m

9-8-13 Jersey Jazzman: New Depths of Ignorance For the Star-Ledger
Jersey Jazzman: New Depths of Ignorance For the Star-Ledger: New Depths of Ignorance For the Star-LedgerME (speaking with mouthful of muffin): Would it be wrong for me to write a post entitled: "Star-Ledger Editorial Board: the Stupidest People on Earth!" MRS. JAZZMAN (looking up from sipping smoothie): Yes, it would. Not only is it unnecessarily provocative, it's untrue. They're not the stupidest
Preview: Short Excerpt from @DianeRavitch's "Reign Of Error"
I wrote a review of Diane Ravitch's new book, Reign of Error, this weekend. I was honored to receive an advance copy, and I'll let you know when and where my review appears. Diane's book is available to the public September 17th. As part of the review, I transcribed a paragraph: “But the wounds caused by centuries of slavery, segregation, and discrimination cannot be healed by testing, stand