Sunday, August 11, 2013

Twittery Jeb Bush: trying to kill #PublicEducation in 140 characters or less | teacherbiz

Twittery Jeb Bush: trying to kill #PublicEducation in 140 characters or less | teacherbiz:

Twittery Jeb Bush: trying to kill #PublicEducation in 140 characters or less

If there’s anyone left who’s not convinced that Jeb Bush is one of the biggest enemies of public education in the United States, a quick glance at his twitter page should confirm what the rest of us already know.
The first clue is this August 9th tweet, which came on the heels of his attendance at the annual ALEC conference in Chicago:
At the ALEC convention, Bush, the consummate Common Core cheerleader,spoke in defense of the much-debated implementation of the standards—even when it meant making his ALEC pals, who aren’t all happy about the reach of the CCSS, shift uncomfortably in their seats. In the grand scheme of things, though, Jeb and ALEC hold hands when it comes to education reform: “The mission of ALEC’s Education Task Force is to promote excellence in the nation’s educational system, to advance reforms through parental choice, to support efficiency, accountability, and transparency in all educational institutions, and