Monday, August 5, 2013

The Resignation: Why Bennett and Not White? | deutsch29 #Cheats4Change

The Resignation: Why Bennett and Not White? | deutsch29:

The Resignation: Why Bennett and Not White?

August 5, 2013

John White is Louisiana’s Tony Bennett. Both engage in the same shady reformer manipulations, yet Bennett has resigned and White still has a job. How is that?
How, indeed.
On July 29, 2013, LDOE was supposed to publicize the 2013 school letter grades. No grades yet.
In 2012, the school letter grades were not released until October 22. Particularly from November 2012 to January 2013, my colleague Herb Bassett and I contacted White about problems with the grades. We were brushed aside.
In May 2013, White admitted the grades were inflated. He attempts to excuse himself from responsibility.
Grade massaging is difficult to pull off. It takes time. That is why the 2013 school letter grades are late.
Meanwhile, the first round of mandatory ACT administration results for Louisiana seniors became available for release– sort of. The LDOE website has no comprehensive spreadsheet of scores available for 2013. The Baton Rouge Advocatereleased score highlights. Conspicuously absent is any mention of