Sunday, August 4, 2013

Test: ALEC, Legislation, and the U.S. Constitution | Reclaim Reform

Test: ALEC, Legislation, and the U.S. Constitution | Reclaim Reform:

Test: ALEC, Legislation, and the U.S. Constitution

Test: ALEC, Legislation, and the U.S. Constitution
Writes laws1
 1. Who is authorized by the U.S. Constitution to write legislation?
A) Only elected legislators may write major legislation.
B) ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, and other private, corporate financed groups of multimillionaires, billionaires, hedge fund managers, bank directors, and other American and foreign investors write major legislation.
C) Both a and b.
D) None of the above.
correct answer: D (The Constitution directs that elected representatives and senators are to propose and vote for legislation. Who is to write the bills is not mentioned.) SeeHERE.
2. Who for the past 40 years actually has written major legislation that