Friday, August 16, 2013

8-16-13 teacherken at Daily Kos

teacherken at Daily Kos:

Jets versus Sharks
most of us of a certain age will immediately recognize those three words as a reference to West Side Story, a mid-20th century retelling of the Romeo and Juliet saga, set in NYC, with  "American" and Puerto Rican gangs standing for Capulets and Montagues, and the tragic consequences that flow therefrom, despite the very human connection of Tony and Maria.   This morning I was reflecting on how man

8-15-13 teacherken at Daily Kos
teacherken at Daily Kos: shocking newly found video of Japanese Tsunamiyou will be able to watch the water coming in, which begins to be clearly evident about 3 minutes in, and then to watch the water recede.   So much water.  So much damage.2 by ... / 8min 8-13-13 teacherken at Daily Kosteacherken at Daily Kos: Eugene Robinson asks "What NSA reforms?"In this Washington Post op ed