Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Susan Ohanian: 28 questions about the Common Core

Susan Ohanian: 28 questions about the Common Core:

Ohanian: 28 questions about the Common Core
Editor’s note: This op-ed is by Susan Ohanian of Charlotte, a longtime teacher and author of 25 books on education policy and practice. Her website is at
Author’s note: North Carolina Lt. Gov. Daniel J. Forest wrote an open letter to the state’s chief education officer, asking 67 questions about the Common Core State Standards. That letter provoked my own open letter to Vermont leaders who make critical decisions about educating our children. Every Vermonter has a stake in their answers.
Dear Gov. Shumlin, Secretary Vilaseca, members of the State Board of Education, and members of the House and Senate Committees on Education:

The Common Core State Standards

1. In an August 2010 press release, Education Secretary Armando Vilaseca stated that Vermont had been “actively involved in the development and review of these new Common Core State Standards (CCSS).”
• Please provide the names of these Vermonters “actively involved” in this CCSS development; include minutes and materials.
• Please forward all CCSS-related correspondence between the Vermont State Education Agency, the governor, and members of the Vermont Legislature between January 2009 and June 2010.
2. Did the secretary, the State Board of Education and members of the legislative education committees examine dissenting views before adopting the CCSS?
• Please provide a list of individuals, groups, associations providing reasons for NOT pursuing CCSS.
3. Can you point to pedagogical research supporting the following CCSS directives (offered as tiny examples of inappropriate mandates)?
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