Wednesday, August 21, 2013

#StuVoiceStories – Student Voice Initiative Student Voice

Student Voice:

#StuVoiceStories – Student Voice Initiative 

The Student Voice Initiative is a student advocacy organization based in Canada. Article written by Leah Bae, National Ambassador for SVI.
Student Voice Initiative operates on a foundation of support from policy-makers, school administrators, academics, and students from across North America and the world in support of giving students a greater voice in their own education. Through a decentralized network of student advocates across Canada, we have presented before the Canadian Student Leadership Conference, held audiences with staff from the Council of Ministers of Education of Canada, hosted the Canadian School Boards’ Association in a 90-minute plenary at their Annual Congress, and spoke before student leaders, administrators, and US Department of Education representatives at the inaugural Student Voice Live! at Microsoft’s offices in New York City in April 2013. Our core mandate arose from the success of the ‘student trustee‘ position within the Ontario education community, which has fostered a student voice framework ranging from student councils at every school, to student senates and student trustees at the regional or district school board level, to the formation of a provincial stakeholder in the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association.
We act as a supportive network and forum for knowledge exchange to movements being coordinated in BC, Alberta, and Quebec. We support the establishment of a student voice framework and student trustees at every level of educational decision-making in every province and territory in Canada.
If you are a student and want to get involved, or an interested policy-maker

You should contact us at