Thursday, August 1, 2013

UPDATE: Ohio Looking To Repeal Common Core Perdido Street School: What The Common Core/Danielson Rubric Has Been Devised To Produce

Perdido Street School: What The Common Core/Danielson Rubric Has Been Devised To Produce:

Ohio Looking To Repeal Common Core
And so the repeal CCFS movement rolls on:Just weeks before Ohio children return to school, conservative lawmakers introduced a last-minute bill yesterday to block new and more-rigorous curriculum guidelines championed by governors and education leaders. Opponents of the Common Core standards hope to throw the brakes on what they fear is a federal takeover of education. Rep. Andrew Thompson, R-Mari

What The Common Core/Danielson Rubric Has Been Devised To Produce

“The most deadly criticism one could make of modern civilization is that apart from its man-made crises and catastrophes, is not humanly interesting. . . . In the end, such a civilization can produce only a mass man: incapable of spontaneous, self-directed activities: at best patient, docile, disciplined to monotonous work to an almost pathetic degree. . . . Ultimately such a society produces only two groups of men: the conditioners and the conditioned, the active and passive barbarians.” —Lewis Mumford, 1951

This statement is taken from a larger piece on mental illness and the dehumanization of American society in Salon.

I couldn't help but think of the Common Core/Danielson juggernaut as I read this piece:

Underlying many of psychiatry’s nearly 400 diagnoses is the experience of helplessness, hopelessness, passivity, boredom, fear, isolation, and dehumanization—culminating in a loss of autonomy and community-connectedness. Do