Thursday, August 1, 2013

NYC Educator: Schools as Big Business

NYC Educator: Schools as Big Business:

Schools as Big Business

If you don't think our corporate pals are gunning for your job, take a look at this lineup from the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation. By their name, you might assume they are some branch of government. While they aren't, considering the likes of Arne Duncan and Corey Booker, they may as well be. After all, it's important that someone represent the interests of Walmart, to wit, low-wage replaceable employees.

For their annual summit, they've got legal expert Campbell Brown, who's very vocal on the point that teachers should be fired on the basis of unsubstantiated or refuted allegations. To join her, they've got Amanda Ripley, the cheerleader for corporate reform who thinks students ought to determine whether or not teachers keep their jobs. I've actually worked at a place where student ratings determined my status, and quickly learned that not insisting on things like homework or passing tests went a long way in getting me that great rating. The cherry on the top of the cake is faux-liberal Fox News correspondent who gets nervous when he's on planes with Muslims.

With such a stellar group of speakers, you'd better believe that big business will continue giving millions to scab groups like TFA. It's also good business to run front page headlines about demagogues like Michelle Rhee, while claiming revelations