Thursday, August 8, 2013

Morning Wink 8-8-13 AM Posts #BATsACT #edreform #EDCHAT #P2 #Cheats4Change



Winning the Common Core - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher
Winning the Common Core - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher: Winning the Common CoreBy Nancy Flanagan on August 8, 2013 8:55 AMPerhaps because Americans as a nation have a gift for organizing, we tend to meet any new situation by reorganization, and a wonderful method it is for creating the illusion of progress at the mere cost of confusion, inefficiency and demoralization.Charles
NEA Today 8-8-13
NEA Today: TOP STORIESWhat I’ve Learned: Keeping History Class CreativeBy Cindy Long Educators may spend their careers preparing lessons, but often the most memorable are those they learn themselves.  With that in mind, NEA Today asked school staff –  everyone from classroom teachers and bus drivers to guidance counselors and school nurses – to share the everyday lessons they’ve picked up along th
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Common Core Standards not so common
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Common Core Standards not so common: Common Core Standards not so commonCCCS were supposed to prepare students for a global economy by equipping them with critical thinking skills. They were touted as a way to even the playing field so that class, race and gender wouldn't determine what and who were being taught (See Jean Anyon on Social Class and School Knowledge).B
Jersey Jazzman: New York Test Scores: Reformies Go All In
Jersey Jazzman: New York Test Scores: Reformies Go All In: New York Test Scores: Reformies Go All InThe "reform" movement is going all in with yesterday's test score releases in New York State:Large numbers of New York students failed reading and math exams last school year, education officials reported on Wednesday, unsettling parents, principals and teachers, and posing new challenges to a natio
Building fighting teachers unions |
Building fighting teachers unions | Building fighting teachers unionsAs rank-and-file teachers around the U.S. seek to revitalize their unions, Lee Sustar looks at the high stakes in the struggles ahead.August 8, 2013Chicago teachers, parents and students protest drastic cuts to the school budget (Sarah-ji)THE SCHOOL year is set to begin with teachers looking to the example of
Probe urged of donations solicited by Mayor Kevin Johnson - Sacramento City News - The Sacramento Bee
Probe urged of donations solicited by Mayor Kevin Johnson - Sacramento City News - The Sacramento Bee: Probe urged of donations solicited by Mayor Kevin JohnsonBy Ryan Lillisrlillis@sacbee.comPublished: Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013 - 12:00 am | Page 3BA Sacramento man plans to file complaints today with the local U.S. attorney's office and the state's political watchdog, urging those offices to investig
Paul E. Peterson: The Obama Setback for Minority Education -
Paul E. Peterson: The Obama Setback for Minority Education - Paul E. Peterson: The Obama Setback for Minority EducationSteady gains for black and Hispanic students under No Child Left Behind have come to a virtual standstill.By  PAUL E. PETERSONShould federally mandated school accountability and testing requirements be abandoned? With Congress actively considering a major revision of No C
Bill Gates on His Foundation's Health and Education Campaigns - Businessweek
Bill Gates on His Foundation's Health and Education Campaigns - Businessweek: Bill Gates on His Foundation's Health and Education CampaignsBy Brad StoneAugust 08, 2013FacebookTweetLinkedInGoogle PlusEmailPhotograph by Mark Peckmezian for Bloomberg BusinessweekGates outside his office at the Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationYou recently tweeted that very rare clip of FDR being pushed in his wheelch
NAEP And Public Investment In Knowledge
Shanker Blog » NAEP And Public Investment In Knowledge: NAEP And Public Investment In KnowledgePosted by Matthew Di Carlo on August 8, 2013As reported over at Education Week, the so-called “sequester” has claimed yet another victim: The National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP. As most people who follow education know, this highly respected test, which is often called the “nation’s rep
Schools Matter @ The Chalk Face
SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: Who’s Lying to Whom? Duncan, Bloomberg, and the Rotted Common CoreYesterday Mike Bloomberg called the new test score basement that all NY schools have rushed into “very good news,” and he blamed the media for noticing that it was happening.  With State and City schools–at least the ones with poor kids–once more crushed under the boot (Rochester had 5% of kids passi
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-8-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: In Plain English: Why “Reform” is the Problem, Not the SolutionAlan Brown, a professor in North Carolina, wrote this open letter to State Senator Berger, who has sponsored a series of destructive bills that were passed into law. It was published here. It is clear, informed, and coherent. The tone is friendly and non-confrontational
New Data Links Preschool Attendance to Kindergarten Reading and Math Skills |
New Data Links Preschool Attendance to Kindergarten Reading and Math Skills |: New Data Links Preschool Attendance to Kindergarten Reading and Math SkillsAugust 8, 2013 by Alyssa HaywoodePhoto: Micaela Bedell for Strategies for ChildrenEarlier this month, the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics released “America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2013.”Drawing
8-8-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Startling Statistics From The Common Core TestsFrom the NY Times:On the English exam, 3 percent of nonnative speakers were deemed proficient, and 6 percent of students with disabilities passed. Essentially, if you are an ESL student or a student with an IEP, you will not pass the Common Core exams.Can't wait until they change the high school Regents exams.As things stand now
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: The in box. Arthur Goldstein on the Common Core.  Arthur Goldstein teaches English as a Second Language at Francis Lewis High School in Fresh Meadows, Queens. My friend NY teacher Arthur Goldstein sent me this article in today’s Daily News.   I’m trying to imagine what my principal would tell me if I
Teachers For Social Justice: ALEC Protest, City Council Education Committee Meeting and Bud Billiken Parade
Teachers For Social Justice: ALEC Protest, City Council Education Committee Meeting and Bud Billiken Parade: ALEC Protest, City Council Education Committee Meeting and Bud Billiken ParadeAUGUST 7, 2013 LEAVE A COMMENTJoin CTU & GEM Members This Week Thursday, August 8 at 12 pm     Students, Teachers, Clergy, Workers opened a weekof ALEC protests - Photo @phillipcantor17 E Monroe (at Wabash &am
Indiana Finds “Manipulations” of School Grades Occurred Under Bennett’s Watch | Scathing Purple Musings
Indiana Finds “Manipulations” of School Grades Occurred Under Bennett’s Watch | Scathing Purple Musings: Indiana Finds “Manipulations” of School Grades Occurred Under Bennett’s WatchPosted on August 8, 2013by Bob Sikes      Rate ThisThe reporter who broke the Tony Bennett grade change story is continuing to follow up. As per numerous requests, current Indians superintendent Glenda Ritz announced y
NYC Educator: Here in Bizarro World Massive Failure Is Good News
NYC Educator: Here in Bizarro World Massive Failure Is Good News: Here in Bizarro World Massive Failure Is Good NewsI just read at Diane Ravitch's blog that Mayor Bloomberg has joined fellow know-nothings Joel Klein and Arne Duncan in hailing the massive failure on Common Core exams as a good sign. I'm rarely at a loss for words, but I don't know precisely what to say to this.How on earth is a two
Gates pours millions in new grants to change teaching profession
Gates pours millions in new grants to change teaching profession: Gates pours millions in new grants to change teaching professionBy Valerie Strauss, Published: August 8 at 4:00 amE-mail the writer2CommentsMore(Andrew Harrer/BLOOMBERG)The Gates Foundation is spending millions of dollars in new grants that will further its already vast and controversial influence on public education. After spending
8-8-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Parents and Educators Reject Official Explanations for Dismal State Test ScoresCall for full transparency in state testing program and an end to the use of standardized tests for promotion, teacher evaluation and closing schools... Change the StakesHere is a follow-up to my earlier post:T-Day: For Deformers, Mission Accomplished. By now the scores have come out and they are a disa


Fourth Anniversary of My Blog | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Fourth Anniversary of My Blog | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Fourth Anniversary of My BlogDear Readers,This post marks my fourth anniversary as a blogger. I want to thank those readers who regularly read my twice-weekly posts, those who have dipped into them occasionally, those who have subscribed to the post, and finally those—nearly 5,000–who have taken the time to write
K-12 News Network | Local Control Funding Formula — A View From SoCal
K-12 News Network | Local Control Funding Formula — A View From SoCal: Local Control Funding Formula — A View From SoCaladmin August 7, 2013 Budgets, Los Angeles, Orange County, Sacramento, San Francisco, State Education Law 0By Deb McCurdy, special to K12NN and reposted with permission.Students throughout California are finally getting some relief.  A few weeks ago, the state legislature reached
Indiana - Grade Manipulation Found - #Cheats4Change
Indiana - Grade Manipulation Found - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSPublished: August 7, 2013Say it ain't so!or NOT!Cheats For Change The state schools superintendent, Glenda Ritz, on Wednesday acknowledged manipulation in the way Indiana’s schools are graded, the latest fallout from a report by The Associated Press that found her predecessor worked behind the scenes to
Centennial board members joins new national advocacy group - 00redesign
Centennial board members joins new national advocacy group - 00redesign: Centennial board members joins new national advocacy groupStoryCommentsPrintCreate a hardcopy of this pageFont Size:Default font sizeLarger font sizeEmail to a friendPhoto provided by Network for Public EducationMark B. Miller, Centennial school board member.Buy this photoPosted: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 1:0
Senator, state education board member consider debate on CSCOPE | Education Blog
Senator, state education board member consider debate on CSCOPE | Education Blog: Senator, state education board member consider debate on CSCOPEBy Terrence Stutztstutz@dallasnews.com5:22 pm on August 7, 2013 | PermalinkThe chairman of the Senate Education Committee has accepted an offer from  the vice chairman of the State Board of Education to debate a controversial series of lesson plans in Tex
Nite Cap 8-7-13 #BATsACT #thankateacher #EDCHAT #P2 #Cheats4Change
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPTODAY“What Kind of Fool Am I?” Tony Bennett | Taking Note #cheats4change“What Kind of Fool Am I?” Tony Bennett | Taking Note: “What Kind of Fool Am I?” Tony Bennettby JOHN MERROW on 07. AUG, 2013 in 2013 BLOGSHum a Few Bars and I'll Fake it!http://cheats4c
“What Kind of Fool Am I?” Tony Bennett | Taking Note #cheats4change
“What Kind of Fool Am I?” Tony Bennett | Taking Note: “What Kind of Fool Am I?” Tony Bennettby JOHN MERROW on 07. AUG, 2013 in 2013 BLOGSHum a Few Bars and I'll Fake it! was the other Tony Bennett who sang that song, of course. But former Indiana and Florida state superintendent Tony Bennett probably ought to be asking himself that question.  As Tom LoBianco of th
What the Bee Didn't Tell Readers About the NCLB Waiver for Sac City | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education
What the Bee Didn't Tell Readers About the NCLB Waiver for Sac City | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education: What the Bee Didn't Tell Readers About the NCLB Waiver for Sac Citypublished by Kate_Lenox on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 12:16pmSacramento City Unified and eight other large districts across the state have been granted a waiver by  the US Dept. of Education from No Child Left Behind. The
NYC Public School Parents: Shock Doctrine: five reasons not to trust the results of the new state tests
NYC Public School Parents: Shock Doctrine: five reasons not to trust the results of the new state tests: Shock Doctrine: five reasons not to trust the results of the new state testsDear parents: As you may have probably heard, the new state test scores were released to the press and they are disastrous.Only 31% of students in New York State passed the new Common Core exams in reading and math. Mor
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Get out of town, ALEC!
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Get out of town, ALEC!: Get out of town, ALEC!The NationIf ALEC thought they could slink in and out of this city under cover of darkness, they don't know Chicago very well. We don't play here.According to ALEC, up to 2,000 state legislators and lobbyists are expected to be meeting behind closed doors inside the Palmer House Hilton in downtown Chicago. Although ALEC’s
Recess and Movement Breaks Are Needs… NOT Rewards | Connected Principals
Recess and Movement Breaks Are Needs… NOT Rewards | Connected Principals: Recess and Movement Breaks Are Needs… NOT RewardsAugust 7, 2013By Chris Wejrcc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo by Camdiluv ♥: need movement. We all need movement.  Recess is a need.  PE is a need.  Energy breaks are necessary.If I am in a longer session and I need to move, I
SES IS A MESS So why only 8 Waivers? Supplemental Educational Services
Supplemental Educational Services: Supplemental Educational Services Statement on NCLB Waiver Approval - Year 2013"All California schools deserve relief from the unworkable mandates of No Child Left Behind"Description: What are supplemental educational services?Legislation: What does No Child Left Behind, section 1116(e), require for implementing supplemental educational services?Regulations: What
Letter to a Young No Excuses Student | EduShyster
Letter to a Young No Excuses Student | EduShyster: Letter to a Young No Excuses StudentPosted on August 7, 2013This fall, Boston’s largest public elementary school, with an all-minority student body, will reopen as a no-excuses charter.Dear [insert name here]:Another school year is about to start and I’ve got some exciting changes to share with you. Your old school, John J. Marshall, with its low
You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat! — Whole Child Education
You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat! — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGYou’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat!August 7, 2013 by Walter McKenzie"You're gonna need a bigger boat!" —Police Chief Brody, JawsThree able men are shoveling chum out into the water to attract the menace terrorizing their beaches. Suddenly an image begins to take form beneath the water, circling the small fishing vessel. The
PS 154 Community Look To Principal Carol Burris on Long Island as an Example of a True Education Leader PS 154 Community Look To Principal Carol Burris on Long Island as an Example of a True Education LeaderThe following is from the Washington Post's education blogger Valerie Strauss. Again, rarely do I copy and paste other blogs other writers writings, but Carol Burris hit a home run here.The community of PS 154 please, please take heed to what Ms Burris has written
CORE districts win ground-breaking waiver from NCLBSI&A Cabinet Report – News & Resources
SI&A Cabinet Report – News & Resources: CORE districts win ground-breaking waiver from NCLBBy Tom ChorneauWednesday, August 07, 2013Statement on NCLB Waiver Approval - Year 2013"All California schools deserve relief from the unworkable mandates of No Child Left Behind"In a move rife with policy implications nationwide, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan granted Tuesday eight California s
Missouri Education Watchdog: Data Quality Campaign and AT&T Want Your Personal Information. Why?
Missouri Education Watchdog: Data Quality Campaign and AT&T Want Your Personal Information. Why?: Data Quality Campaign and AT&T Want Your Personal Information. Why?Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Do you know where or how your data is being shared via AT&T or Data Quality Campaign?This post is a follow-up to yesterday's article on the Data Quality Campaign announci
10 things I want all new teachers to know | Connected Principals
10 things I want all new teachers to know | Connected Principals: 10 things I want all new teachers to knowAugust 7, 2013By Justin TarteThis year I am working closely with our BTAP (beginning teacher assistance program) to help plan and develop some beginning of the year trainings. For the record, our BTAP committee has been doing a wonderful job over the years, however like anything, we are alway
Growth of K-12 online education
Growth of K-12 online education [Infographic]: Growth of K-12 online education [Infographic]Aug. 7, 2013EMAIL PRINT (0) COMMENTSWhat was once reserved for higher education is now a growing trend among K-12 students nationwide - online learning. More than 275,000 students in grades K-12 in the U.S. are getting a high-quality education - often through a full-time online public school - without board
Interview of the President by Jay Leno, The Tonight Show The Tonight Show with Jay Leno | NBC
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno | NBC: Interview of the President by Jay Leno, The Tonight ShowPresident Obama On ObamacarePresident Obama explains some of the changes coming on October 1st.Interview of the President by Jay Leno, The Tonight ShowNBC StudiosBurbank, California4:34 P.M. PDTQ    Welcome the President of the United States -- Barack Obama.  (Applause.) Welcome back, sir.THE PRESIDENT: 
NASBE Bought and Paid For | Truth in American Education
NASBE Bought and Paid For | Truth in American Education: NASBE Bought and Paid ForFiled in CCSS Implementation by Shane Vander Hart on August 7, 2013 • 0 Comments8Well you have to appreciate that the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) is open and honest about being bought off.  From a presser they just sent out yesterday:ARLINGTON, Va., Aug. 6 – Even as most states work hard
Morning Wink 8-7-13 AM Posts #BATsACT #edreform #EDCHAT #P2 #Cheats4Change
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK  AM POSTSTODAYMade in America: Segregation by Design | the becoming radicalMade in America: Segregation by Design | the becoming radical: Made in America: Segregation by DesignPosted on August 7, 2013 by plthomasedd“The woman in the gold bracelets tells her friend:,” begins a poem by Barbara Kingsolver from her collection Another America/Otra America. A careful rea