Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Oinks & Squeals

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Oinks & Squeals:

Oinks & Squeals

"I misspoke"

How do you know if the Civic Committee's Ty Fahner is lying? Notice his snout is moving.

First, the man my brother Fred calls "Eden Martin's bastard child", brags how he and other CC members made phone calls and pressured S&P to lower state's credit rating -- which they did.  Now he's telling Rich Miller at Capitol Fax that it never happened. But Miller's not buying it.


* From an e-mail I received yesterday from Civic Committee President Ty Fahner…
Regarding my comments at the Union League Club in March, I misspoke.
First, while I may have said so, I didn’t call the ratings agencies, nor did any of our Civic Committee staff. My response to the questions was very confusing and