Monday, August 5, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: Reformy Money Pours Into NJ

Jersey Jazzman: Reformy Money Pours Into NJ:

Reformy Money Pours Into NJ
Anyone else in Jersey want our reformy money? "Cause we've got plenty!
Anthony Cody makes the case that the recent resignation of Florida Education Commissioner Tony Bennett is the outcome of just one more scandal in long line of "corporate education reform" failures. This entire movement is beginning to collapse under the weight of its own mendacity; the day of reckoning has finally arrived.

That may be, but reforminess isn't going away any time soon, so long as the money to sustain the "reformers" keeps gushing. Take, for example, New Jersey:  
Newark's Teach for America is getting a boost from the Walton Family Foundation, which has pledged $2 million to the program that brings young teachers into under-served classrooms.
Newark was one of several cities that will share the $20 million donation from the foundation.

“With this critical investment, Teach For America will be able to bring effective