Monday, August 19, 2013

Diane Ravitch’s new book was preemptively attacked. Wow! | Reclaim Reform

Diane Ravitch’s new book was preemptively attacked. Wow! | Reclaim Reform:

Diane Ravitch’s new book was preemptively attacked. Wow!

Peter Cunningham, a professional spin-doctor, today attacked Diane Ravitch and her yet to be published book, The Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools. Wow! she must have hit a nerve!
reign of error
There is no doubt that with his governmental and political connections Cunningham is privy to monitored information gathered by means of modern surveillance.
“I served as Assistant Secretary for Communications and Outreach in the U.S. Department of Education, where one of my jobs was to monitor criticism of our policies and develop our responses… I understand that Dr. Ravitch is about to publish another book attacking education reform. She will go after my good friend Arne Duncan.”
Cunningham goes on to “predict” the evils of her book-to-be.
“She will call on America to invest more in fighting poverty, as if we have not spent tens of trillions of dollars fighting poverty since the New Deal and the Great Society and will spend tens of trillions more… Worst of all, she will use poverty as an excuse to avoid any