Thursday, August 22, 2013

Diane in the Evening 8-22-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

North Carolina: Moral Mondays Grow
Join the movement to stop the privatization of public education in North Carolina! Stand up to the extremists in the legislature and the extremist governor who are band onion public education and vilifying the teaching profession.. This just in: Advocating for high-quality public schools for North Carolina. August 22, 2013 On Monday, August 26th, please wear RED for public ed! North Carolina is on

Paul Thomas: Advice for Moguls and Celebrities
Paul Thomas of Furman University gas noticed an interesting and disturbing phenomenon. The people who seem most certain about telling schools how to change are those who have the least experience working in schools. Just one example that he gives: A movie director had dinner with two medical doctors and suddenly the director realized how to fix the nation’s schools. No experience needed. No resear

My Secret
Here is the link to the story about the Obama plan to cut costs and measure everything for value-added in higher education. I forgot to add it because I was waiting in the doctor’s office for a check up and they called me in just when I was supposed to post the link. Here is my dirty little secret. I blog everywhere. It drives my friends and family crazy. I blog in taxis. I blog in elevators. I

Obama Proposes NCLB for Higher Education
President Obama proposed a plan to rate colleges much as schools are rated now. Their federal assistance would be based on performance indicators. This is supposed to save money but 75% of college instructors are already adjuncts, working for peanuts. More likely, the President loves Big Data and wants metrics. Next step: technology to replace adjuncts. That will cut costs for sure. The ideal uni

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-22-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Mercedes Schneider Compares AP and Gallup PollsMost of us don’t have the time to dig down into polls and figure out the nuances of wording and responses. Fortunately for us, Mercedes Schneider has done it for us. She here compares the AP-NORC poll which concluded that most parents like standardized testing to the PDK/Gallup poll, w