Tuesday, August 6, 2013

UPDATE: Comparisons of Common Core State Standards to Georgia Performance Standards Released | Truth in American Education

Comparisons of Common Core State Standards to Georgia Performance Standards Released | Truth in American Education:

The Media Missed Out on Common Core
Conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt made a few observations in Townhall.com about the Common Core State Standards based on recent interviews he did on the subject with Emmett McGroarty of American Principles Project, Jay Matthews of the Washington Post and others.He pointed out federal involvement, data collection, the money that has been involved, but it was his statement about the medi

Comparisons of Common Core State Standards to Georgia Performance Standards Released

State Senator William Ligon (R-Brunswick) issued a press release this afternoon that accompanied two reports that compared Georgia’s previous standards with the Common Core State Standards.
Here is the presser:
ATLANTA (August 5, 2013) – Sen. William Ligon (R-Brunswick) released two reports today, one regarding math and the other on English language arts, which compare the Common Core Standards to Georgia’s previous Performance Standards. The independent analysis on the math standards was provided by Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao, a 25-year veteran of math instruction who teaches mathematics and science education at Mercer University’s Tift College. Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Professor Emerita of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas and a former member of the Common Core Validation Committee, provided the analysis on the English language arts standards.
“Now that Georgia has withdrawn from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), I believe the next step in our efforts to exit the national Common Core framework must turn to the standards themselves,” stated Sen. Ligon. “I am encouraged that Dr. John Barge and Governor Nathan Deal jointly agreed to exit PARCC, but until Georgia reclaims control over all facets of our educational system, including our standards as well as testing, our citizens cannot exercise their full constitutional authority over education.”
The Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) were adopted on July 8, 2010 under  
West Virginia GOP Stands Against Common Core State Standards
The state executive committee for the West Virginia Republican Party unanimously passed a resolution stating opposition against the Common Core State Standards.  From their press release sent this morning:Charleston, W.Va.– At the summer meeting of the West Virginia Republican State Executive Committee, a Resolution was passed against the implementation of a “one size fits all” federal education s